I'm Patrick Balestra and I am currently living in New York working at Spotify as a Staff Engineer.
I previously worked at N26 in Berlin building Apple Pay support and at BCG Digital Ventures where I helped build the first version of the Coup iOS app used to book electric scooters in Berlin, Paris and Madrid.
In 2018, I graduated from the University of Lugano in Switzerland with a bachelor degree in Science of Informatics.
During my studies I worked as a part-time Software Engineer at Scandit where I built various projects related to the iOS Barcode Scanner SDK.
Developing iOS apps has been my big passion for the last 6 years. I experiment a lot with every technology that is available to me.
I am a member of the Swiss Mobile Developers Association and co-organizer of App Builders and The Swift Alps. In 3 years, these events have brought together over a thousand developers.
I am a 2014/2015/2017 WWDC Scholarship Recipient and OSS contributor.
Take a look at my blog, follow me on Twitter or feel free to contact me via email.