ARuler was one of the first ARKit apps released on iOS 11. Its early prototype developed by myself in a couple of hours was featured by The Verge, Mashable, Daring Fireball and MacRumors. ARuler was developed by Alessio Buratti and I who worked together during summer 2017 to bring an accurate augmented reality ruler to iOS.
It uses ARKit to detect planar surfaces and cloud points to accurately describe the real environment. The user can then place points in the virtual environment and the app can compute distances, areas or volumes between the chosen points. It is completely interactive to improve the user experience of placing, moving and deleting points in the virtual environment.

HomeKitty is a website written using the Vapor Swift web framework featured by 9to5mac, MacStories and more. HomeKitty is a a crowdsourced website that collects all accessories that support the HomeKit protocol. The website accepts new accessories by users which are then approved by myself. The project uses PostgreSQL and is deployed to Heroku. MailChimp is used to mantain a monthly newsletter with over 300 subscribers who are notified of new releases. This side project is sustainable thanks to the open-source contributors, user donations and accessory manufacturers who wish to highlight their products.

I am the co-organizer and founder of the App Builders conference which started in 2016 in Zurich with over 250 attendees. In the last 3 editions, we welcomed almost 1000 developers. In the past we have relied on a sponsor to provide the official app but I decided to build our own solution in the open-source using React Native. It was my first experience with React Native and Firebase to manage the database of the conference information. I also used Firebase to send and plan important notifications to the conference attendees.

Notes for Watch brings all your notes to the Apple Watch in an easy way. Notes can be imported from the official Apple Notes app and transferred to the Apple Watch for offline viewing for example. The first version of the app was avaiable on the first day the original Apple Watch went on sale. It uses all the new iOS APIs such as Spotlight integration, dynamic font size, fully localized in 8 languages and a today view widget. The project has a mixed codebase written in Objective-C and Swift. Its architecture is framework based in order to enable multiple targets to share the same functionalities. It is my most profitable project ever with about 10'000 downloads.

I was really interested in wearable devices and I started developing applications for the Pebble smartwatch in C and JavaScript. I decided to build an easy to use notes app to enable users to store important notes on their Pebble smartwatch. It uses the Pebble iOS SDK to communicate with the smartwatch over Bluetooth and stores the data received on the memory of the device. The font size of each note can be customized to enable a better user experience.
It was a quite successful application which contributed to my invitation to the first Pebble developer retreat in Mountain View, CA where the top platform developers reunited.

Contacts for Pebble is a similar application to Notes for Pebble but allows users to select contacts from their iPhone and transfer them to the watch. The user can then start a call on their iPhone with the press of a button from the smartwatch which makes the app very useful. The project consists of an iOS app written in Objective-C that communicates with the companion app written in C that runs on the Pebble smartwatch. The communication happens over Bluetooth with the Pebble iOS SDK.

This project was my first app written in Objective-C that I shipped to the App Store during the times of iOS 6. It is still available today and mantained after 5 years. It stores the emergency services phone numbers of over 130 countries to allow users to feel safer in unknown countries. It also allows to choose an emergency contact from the contacts library to quickly call if needed. It includes a today view widget and an Apple Watch app to enable quick calling. This was the only fast way to call emergency services before Apple integrated new emergency features into iOS 10.

Open Source Libraries
WhatsNew - GitHub
Showcase new features after an app update similar to Pages, Numbers and Keynote.ParticlesLoadingView - GitHub
A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.HapticButton - GitHub
A button that is triggered based on the 3D Touch pressure, similar to the iOS 11 control center.Stryng - GitHub
Swift strings taken to a whole new syntax level.SquishButton - GitHub
A button that squishes when pressed. As seen in the Clips app.ValueStepper - GitHub
A Stepper object that displays its value.BadgesGenerator - GitHub
A Swift playground to automatically generate personalized conference badges.RealmVideo - GitHub
An iOS app to watch Realm videos and slides at the same time on your phone.VideoToGIF - GitHub
A simple Mac app to easily convert videos to GIF.